Getting Inked Can Really Be Addictive? Interesting Fact You Need to Know
Tattoos have increased their popularity in recent years. The question isn’t are tattoos addictive, what you want to know is Getting Inked Can Really Be Addictive. And if you ask the same question to yourself, you will be familiar with that post-tattoo feeling and why it feels good even just thinking about your next tattoo and you immediately begin to plan your next trip to the tattoo artist. It’s called Science. Imagine that you are sitting on a chair getting tattooed. Your artist is working on a super-sensitive area, it’s getting painful to you and you’re using breathing exercises. To distract yourself, you start talking with your friend. And then all of a sudden, your tattoo is done. You are looking at your new tattoo and immediately forget about your pain. Now, you can’t wait for your next tattoo no matter what it is.